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Participatory and Inclusive Water Sensitive Urban Design for Sustainability and Resilience (PARIWAR)

Apr 2021 – June 2025

The overall objective of this project is to create an enabling environment for implementing the principles of water sensitive urban design (WSUD) in Delhi

WSUD is a concept popularized by Australia, which integrates the urban water cycle—including stormwater, groundwater and wastewater management and water supply—into urban design to minimize environmental degradation and improve aesthetic and recreational appeal.

The project is being conducted in association with Australian experts and takes a two-pronged approach. The first is related to designing and implementing water-sensitive demonstration projects in two disadvantaged communities of Delhi. The second is related to setting up a city-wide Delhi Water Forum that comprises diverse stakeholders, as a body to ideate and inform policy decisions for enhancing water security in the city using the WSUD philosophy. 

Highlights / Unique Features

   The project seeks to introduce WSUD features in challenging conditions, i.e. dense slum settlements.

   Delhi Water Forum is first-of-its-kind platform in India dedicated for achieving water security through WSUD approaches.

Partners and nature of partnership