4 May 2023
Delhi, India
Organised by NIUA
To expand the scope of the River Cities Alliance (RCA) outside India, the National Mission for. Clean Ganga (NMCG) in association with the National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) organized the ‘River-Cities Alliance Global Seminar: Partnership for Building International River-Sensitive Cities’ on May 4, 2023, in New Delhi. The seminar witnessed participation from Embassies/High Commissions of select countries and their respective river cities in order to highlight objectives, achievements, and potential collaborative outcomes of RCA. State Missions for Clean Ganga (SMCGs) and funding agencies like World Bank, ADB, JICA & KfW also were part of the discussions.
RCA Global Seminar has strong synergies with the Urban20 (U20) initiative under the ambit of India’s G20 Presidency. Healthy rivers play a critical role in enhancing the overall water security of cities; which echoes one of the thrust areas, i.e., promulgation of urban water security, of the U20 agenda.