The National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) is organizing two days training programme on how to prepare the Urban River Management Plan (URMP). The URMP is an effective instrument developed by NIUA and the National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) that can help cities to manage urban rivers in a holistic manner.
Are you from urban planning & practitioners community who is involved in the river management, OR a trainers associated with national urban missions like AMRUT 2.0, SBM 2.0, Smart Cities Mission etc. Or an academicians, researchers; then this is a very much relevant training programme that will teach you a step by step approach to prepare URMP which can help cities to transform urban river stretches into vibrant space, and also economically benefit.
There are no fees to attend the training. Training material, lunch, coffee/tea for the workshop is free. Lodging and boarding shall be provided for up to three days only to participants from outside Delhi.
To attend the training, submit detailed CV and a letter of interest expressing how the URMP training will help you at on or before 20th March 2022. NIUA encourages women candidates to apply in the trainings. Participants will be issued a certificate jointly issued by NIUA and NMCG.