Developing an Urban Water Body Diagnostic Tool
The condition of water bodies (lakes, ponds, wells, etc.) in many Indian cities has generally been deteriorating over the last several years. Some are shrinking, some are getting polluted, yet others are completely encroached upon.
This project is aimed to create a decision support system for cities to manage the water bodies within their jurisdiction. The outcome of this project is an Urban Water Body Diagnostic Tool that is meant to help city officials in identifying and prioritizing actions for rejuvenation of water bodies within any city.
The diagnostic tool is based on assessing the status-quo of urban water bodies, in terms of various physical, chemical, biological, and management parameters. Importantly, the tool helps in conducting a rapid assessment that a city can perform easily and periodically in order to identify immediate actions for their management.
Highlights / Unique Features
The Tool emphasizes on both outcomes and processes in order to ensure that timely actions can be taken to protect/revive water bodies.
The Tool is closely linked to AMRUT 2.0, which has a dedicated stream for restoration of stagnant water bodies.