Urban River Management Plan for Kanpur
NIUA has handheld the city of Kanpur in preparing its Urban River Management Plan (URMP) of Kanpur as a dedicated strategy for managing the extent of the Rivers Ganga and Pandu—that flow through the city—in an efficient and sustainable manner.
The URMP for Kanpur has been developed with the overall vision to ensure the harmonious integration of the Rivers Ganga and Pandu in the development landscape of the city. The city is cognizant that the rivers have the potential to provide multiple benefits to its residents, and therefore, the interventions proposed in the Plan are aimed at treating the two rivers as valuable assets of the city
The URMP for Kanpur proposes nineteen tangible and practical actions for managing the two rivers under a ten-point agenda (or objectives) to ensure the “nirmal” and “aviral” nature of the rivers in the city. The level of detail for the interventions is restricted to the concept idea for general understanding. Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) will be prepared for each intervention based on the concept ideas proposed in the document.
This version of the URMP (Version 1.0) for Kanpur City is meant to be short-term in nature, targeting actions over a 2-3 year period. However, the URMP document is a living document, which will address issues related river management on continuous basis in subsequent versions.
Highlights / Unique Features
Kanpur city in Uttar Pradesh is the first city in India to adopt the URMP framework, to develop a city-specific river management plan.
Uday Bhonde
Victor R. Shinde
Rahul Sachdeva
Banibrata Choudhury
Nikita Madan
Vishakha Jha

Urban River Management Plan – Kanpur