User Guide



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CSC - SAT has been designed to support Indian cities in understanding emissions from indicators covered under the ClimateSMART Cities Assessment Framework, and to help them integrate and prioritise climate-sensitive action into city planning. The tool is based on the Global Protocol for Community-scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories (GPC) and is meant to be a starting point for cities to initiate mitigation action within the current governmental setup.

Data Entry

City Information

To start with the user must define the boundary of the city and provide supporting background information, such as population and land area. This helps cities to provide context and allows for meaningful benchmarking & analysis

Activity Data

The next step is to record activity data. Using the default emission factors built into the tool, emissions are estimated according to the methodology. Data for all sectors - Energy & Green Buildings, Urban Planning, Green Cover & Biodiversity, Mobility & Air, Water Resource Management and Waste Management must be completed to get a basic overview of emissions from activities covered under  the CSC - Assessment Framework. 
The tool estimates carbon sequestration for this indicator under the Urban Planning, Green Cover & Biodiversity sector. Carbon sequestration refers to the capture and storage of carbon that would otherwise be emitted to or remain in the atmosphere.

Emissions & Analysis                                                     
This tab presents your city’s GHG emissions in different ways. It provides a summary of total city-wide emissions broken down by sectors and indicators based on the activity data submitted and default emissions factors built into the tool. The Priority Areas tab helps cities focus their actions by identifying emission hotspots and prioritising activity and fuel types                                                    
Potential Emission Reduction  

The Potential Emission Reduction tab is based on the performance evaluation level mentioned in the framework for every indicator across all the five sectors. The user must first enter the city's performance evaluation levels for all indicators. These levels have to be entered based on the results of the framework - the tool calculates emission reduction potential of moving from one performance level to the next one. The user has to enter the current performance level based on the results from the framework and the desired performance level  based on where the city hopes to see itself in the near future. 

The sector-wise Potential Emission Reduction Reports gives cities current, recommended and desired levels, along with emission reduction potential for quantifiable indicators and qualitative recommendations based on the framework for the others.                                                     

This sheet is kept blank and can be used to record additional information and analysis