"ClimateSmart Cities Assessment Framework(CSCAF)” as a step towards holistic, climate responsive urban development. This is part of the Mission’s focus on 3 pillars of performance- Liveability, Economic-ability and Sustainability.
This is an important sector to improve on in the cities - its relationship with the environment. With the advancement of renewable energy technologies, the cities can become smarter and reduce carbon emissions by adapting to various measures such as distributed generation, energy efficiency, electric vehicle and alternate fuel transportation system.
Cities are responsible for climate-sensitive development. By taking appropriate measures, cities can increase their resilience to climate-related shocks. From climate adaptation to mitigation perspective, all these aspects play a critical role.
Increasing levels of motorised transport contribute significantly to CO2 emission. Through sustainable transport infrastructure, cities can mitigate impact on health, environment and air pollution, in the form of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.
Water is critical for sustainable development and eradication of poverty and hunger. Lack of access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene is a major issue in front of different governments. These problems, coupled with other water-related disasters like scarcity and pollution, are increasing because of climate change.
Greenhouse Gases can be avoided though scientific management of waste. City’s commitment towards circular economy and adherence to Integrated Solid Waste Management principles will help achieve Swachh Bharat Mission objectives, reduce methane and CO2 emissions, and combat climate change as well.
Alliance for an inclusive dialogue and broad-based, collaborative action at the national level is required. This shall help in actual mitigation and adaptation actions that are required for cities to undertake to improve their performance.