
Who Cares? The Invisible Backbone of India’s Growing Cities

Author: Abhisikha Das and Sneha Maria Varghese (Junior Research Fellow, Centre for Sustainable Urban Livelihood)

Care work is the very foundation on which the urban economy operates. From intimate care to domestic work to child and elderly care services, the care we receive and give sustains our everyday...

India Fourth Biennial Update Report (BUR-4): How does it focus on GHG emissions from solid waste?

Author: Uma Pandey, Program Officer - CITIIS

Background – UNFCCC party mandates

India is a Party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),...

Empowering Women: Enhancing Urban Safety in Modern Cities

Author: Kanika Bansal, Aishwarya Bali

Women, constituting almost half of the population, are considered empowered and independent in the 21 st century. Being women ourselves, on the one hand, the feeling of empowerment and privilege...

Rethinking the Design of Ghats : Designing for Accessibility and Inclusivity

Author: Kanika Bansal


Rivers have always been the lifeblood of Indian cities—shaping their social, cultural, and economic landscapes. One of the...