Goverment of India

Decentralized Solid Waste Management at Heritage City, Sector 25

Budget : NA
Innovation Type (Process/ Product): Process

About the Project:

Heritage City is one of the largest residential apartment complexes covered under “Alag Karo” Program. Due to the size of this society, this program was executed in a phased manner. The complex had chute system of waste collection. Since door to door collection would be major shift for residents and housekeeping, the RWA decided to do a pilot launch in 2 towers out of 49. Alag Karo team conducted a total of 18 training sessions for the residents, volunteers, housekeeping and maids, to ensure full understanding of process by every member of the complex. Door to door campaign ensured that the information about the program was shared to all the residents of the RWA. It took approximately 3 months to complete Alag Karo program in the whole society with the help of two volunteers and support from the RWA. Since this society had only two volunteers, the Alag Karo team pooled in to support trainings and door-to-door campaigns. The awareness campaigns were so effective that from day one around 95 percent of waste segregation at source segregation was achieved. Implementing the program took about 3 months. Trainings for maids, residents and the new house keeping staff by the Alag Karo team helped in bringing discipline among the residents and achieve the milestone of no bin liners from the very first day. In addition to this, the RWA has set up an on-site composting plant for disposal of their wet waste keeping in line with the SWM Rules 2016 and the MCG notifications.


Sector : Solid Waste Management

Pilot City : Gurugram, Haryana

Ownership : Gurugram Municipal Corporation

Know More : 18001801817

Connect : 18001801817

Continued Learning
  • Global Housing Challenge and the need for an Integrated Housing Strategy at the local level
  • Inclusionary Housing in United States: Prevalence and Practices in the Local Jurisdiction
  • Informal Housing Supply Continuum in Indian Cities
  • Affordable Rental Housing in India
  • Introduction eDCR Training on Drawing Standards
  • Overview and Process of Double Entry Accounting System

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