
हिन्दी परियोजना विवरण

नेशनल अर्बन डिजिटल मिशन (एन.यू.डी.एम.)

ग्राहक/वित्तपोषक: Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs

अवधि: 6 वर्ष

प्रारंभ:  05-2020

परियोजना वेब लिंक:

परियोजना स्थल: नई दिल्ली

परियोजना प्रमुख: 

The National Urban Digital Mission (NUDM) was conceptualised with the goal of facilitating the seamless delivery of municipal e-governance services, benefitting a broad spectrum of stakeholders including citizens, city managers, States/Union Territories (UTs), and industry partners.

The objectives of the National Urban Digital Mission (NUDM) are to- 1. Enhance Ease of Living and Ease of Doing Business 2. Enhance efficiency and efficacy of city operations 3. Develop and adopt standards based approach for eGovernance rollout across cities and States 4. Generate evidence for effective policy making, and decisions 5. To enable cities to achieve SDGs 6. Co-create Policy tools / guidelines / Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) / best practices

Pankaj Sharma Regional Lead