हिन्दी परियोजना विवरण

Conservation Plan for Ahmedabad World Heritage City

ग्राहक/वित्तपोषक: Ahmedabad World Heritage City Trust

अवधि: 3 वर्ष

प्रारंभ:  12-2018

परियोजना वेब लिंक:  

परियोजना स्थल:Ahmedabad

परियोजना प्रमुख: 

Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation and Ahmedabad World Heritage City Trust approached (NIUA) in December 2018 with the work of preparing the Heritage Conservation Plan/LAP for the walled city of Ahmedabad. The objective of Heritage Conservation Plan is to safeguard the physical, social, cultural and economic fabric of the city, its tangible and intangible heritage with particular emphasis on the preservation of the Outstanding Universal Values (OUVs). The Conservation Plan is a significant document that can materialise into a statutory instrument through a Local Area Plan (LAP) for the walled city, to be eventually integrated in the city’s Development Plan.
