
Urban India 2006 | Jul - Dec

Strengthening Urban Local Bodies Through Municipal Accounting Reforms

One of the most important features of the newly adopted accrual based double entry accounting systems in the ULBs through Municipal Accounting Reforms, is transparency and accountability i.e. characteristics of good governance. The vacuum between the resources available with ULBs and the resources needed for meeting the growing demands of people in urban settlements for core civic services and urban infrastructure is widening with every percentage growth in urban population. This switch over has ensured accountability, transparency, comparability and improved financial performance of the municipal bodies. It has also ensured improved governance, better delivery of services, resource mobilization and proper utilization of scarce resources. In the process, some of the ULBs have already highlighted a number of success stories in budgeting, financial planning and procurement, in spite of having faced number of challenges. This paper covers the experience and challenges that have been faced in the process of adopting this modern accounting system in the ULBs along with the success stories and the usefulness of this Municipal Reform Agenda. 

D.P. Das
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