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cool cities about us

India Urban Cooling Program

The Cool Cities Hub has is been established as part of the India Urban Cooling Program. This program has been established by the National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and, the Government of Denmark as a multi-partner program under the framework of the Cool Coalition to support Indian cities to take comprehensive action on extreme heat and rising cooling demand. The program will provide technical assistance to cities, both on the ground and through NIUA, to incorporate solutions at multiple scales—from the city-wide scale to the neighborhood, and building scale. It will also provide support at the national and sub-national level to create an enabling environment for accelerated investment and adoption of sustainable cooling solutions in line with the India Cooling Action Plan (ICAP) leading to greater thermal comfort, economic productivity, food security, and climate change mitigation and adaptation in India.

The India Cooling Programme is being delivered under the framework of the Cool Coalition and is a multi-donor, multi-phase effort including the Clean Cooling Collaborative, the Government of Denmark (under the framework of the India-Denmark Green Strategic Partnership), and ClimateWorks Foundation.

National Institute of Urban Affairs

The National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) is India’s leading national think tank on urban planning and development. As a hub for the generation and dissemination of cutting-edge research in the urban sector, NIUA seeks to provide innovative solutions to address the challenges of a fast-urbanizing India, and pave the way for more inclusive and sustainable cities of the future. NIUA was established as an autonomous body in 1976 under the aegis of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA).

United Nations Environment Programme

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global authority on the environment. For over 50 years, UNEP has worked with governments, civil society, the private sector, and UN entities to address humanity’s most pressing environmental challenges - from restoring the ozone layer to protecting the world's seas and promoting a green, inclusive economy. UNEP’s work is focused on helping countries transition to low-carbon and resource- efficient economies, strengthening environmental governance and law, safeguarding ecosystems, and providing evidence-based data to inform policy decisions.

Cool Coalition

The Cool Coalition was assembled by the United Nations Environment Programme with the belief that a unified effort of governments, cities, businesses, and civil society that share the objective of advancing efficient, climate-friendly cooling will be more effective in bringing about change than any of us acting alone. The Cool Coalition is a global multi-stakeholder network, now working with over 100 partners and 23 countries, that connects a wide range of key actors from government, cities, international organizations, businesses, finance, academia, and civil society groups to

facilitate knowledge exchange, advocacy, and joint action towards a rapid global transition to efficient and climate-friendly cooling.

India-Denmark Green Strategic Partnership

The Green Strategic Partnership builds on and consolidates the existing agreement establishing a Joint Commission for Cooperation between India and Denmark. The partnership is a mutually beneficial arrangement to advance political cooperation, expand economic relations and green growth, create jobs, and strengthen cooperation on addressing global challenges and opportunities; with a focus on an ambitious implementation of the Paris Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

ClimateWorks Foundation

ClimateWorks Foundation is a global platform for philanthropy to innovate and accelerate climate solutions that scale. Since 2008, ClimateWorks has granted over $1.3 billion to more than 600 grantees in over 50 countries. Global programs and services equip philanthropy with knowledge, networks, and solutions to drive climate progress. ClimateWorks Foundation is committed to supporting climate solutions that are equitable, inclusive, and just.

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