Galleries - Any -UPYOGNULPSTANDARDOthers Apply NUDM team in Tamil Nadu NUDM Team in Jammu and Kashmir NUDM team visited Ahmedabad and Gujarat NUDM Team visited Uttarakhand NUDM Team charts the way forward with Director of SUDA, Jharkhand MoU signed with the Government of Meghalaya to implement NUDM in the state 5th session in the series of Best Practices for Online Delivery of Urban Services Manpreet Singh encouraged Start-ups to explore innovative solutions Meeting with ACS and Secretary of Urban Development Department, Karnataka Meeting with Director, DMA and Joint Director - KMDS Karnataka Meeting with UD&MA West Bengal, Kolkata Meeting with Embassy of Denmark Second SUDM Meeting with Principal Secretary, UDD, Uttar Pradesh Meeting with Principal Secretary, UDD, Himachal Pradesh Workshop on the Pension Module in Kerala Meeting with Principal Secretary LSGD, Rajasthan Meeting with Deputy Director, Puducherry NUDM Team with Hon'able Minister LSGD, Kerala Meeting with the Government of Kerala NUDM participated in SUDSC - II Webinar NUDM Team discussed the UPYOG Implementation in Uttarakhand Assam Regional Workshop on Standards - Guidelines and Specifications SUDM Meeting in UP U20 Ahmedabad Report Release Meeting with Wadhwani AI Urban Sustainability and Smart Cities (USSC) Workshop NUDM Hackathon 2023 UPYOG Technical Training Fourth session in the series of Best Practices MoU signed with Govt of Himachal Pradesh MoU signed with Govt. of Odisha GIS Consultation Workshop Technical Workshop on SWM and ICCC usage U20 Summit Indore Meeting with Dr. Sharmila Mary Joseph, IAS, PS, LSGD, Kerala Two Days Workshop in Rajasthan to discuss the way forward for the NUDM Governance Summit on Data and Technology NIUA and Wadhwani AI Signed MoU under NUDM National Workshop on U20 Agenda for Municipal Governance Third Session in the series of Best Practices for Online Delivery of Urban Services Meeting with Chairman Manipur Municipality Property Tax Board Meeting with Building Plan Approval Expert Group MoU signed with New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) MoU signed with Govt. of Andhra Pradesh MoU signed with Govt. of Tamil Nadu MoU signed with Govt. of Tamil Nadu Second Consultation Workshop in Rajasthan Consultation Workshop in Bhopal NUDM Program Review Committee Meeting MoU signed with Govt. of Uttarakhand MoU Signed with Govt. of Ladakh MoU signed with Govt. of Chandigarh MoU Signed with Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh MoU Signed with Govt. of Jharkhand MoU Signed with Govt. of Gujarat MoU Signed with Govt. of Tripura NULP Conducts Workshop in the State of Haryana NUDM Technical Workshop for training on UPYOG NUDM Technical Workshop MoU Signed with Govt. of Madhya Pradesh NULP onboards the state of Rajasthan MoU signed with Govt. of Assam MoU signed with Govt. of Maharashtra MoU Signed with Govt. of Bihar NULP Conducts Workshop in the State of Kerala MoU signed with Govt. of Haryana to implement NUDM in the state NULP onboards 110 ULBs from Tamil Nadu MoU signed with Govt. of Punjab MoU signed with Govt. of Karnataka MoU Signed with Govt. of Manipur MoU Signed with Govt. of Uttar Pradesh MoU Signed with Govt. of Kerela Onboarding Kochi in the Urban learning ecosystem An interactive and engaging session with the ULBs of Himachal Pradesh MoU Signed with Govt. of Rajasthan State Visit to Odisha State Visit to Madhya Pradesh NULP Partner meeting State Visit to Bihar State Visit to odisha State Visit to Uttrakhand <p>Site Visit to Uttrakhand </p> State Visit to Punjab <p>Site Visit to PunjabSite Visit to Punjab</p> State Visit to Jharkhand <p>Site Visit to Jharkhand </p> Site Visit to Rajasthan <p>Site Visit To Rajasthan </p> State Visit to Tamil Nadu <p>State Visit to Tamil Nadu</p> ICBP Consultations Urban Mobility Consultations NULP Ignition Workshop - Ghaziabad City Onboarding - Pune City Onboarding - Namchi City Onboarding - Bhubaneswar City Onboarding - Chandigarh City Onboarding - Bhopal City Onboarding - NDMC NULP Launch on 5th Anniversary SCM, AMRUT, PMAY(U) National Urban Digital Mission launched by MoHUA and MEITY