State Consultation on Urban Service Delivery in Assam
A state level consultation on urban service delivery was organised in Guwahati, Assam with officials and various stakeholders of Assam.
The consultation was chaired by Shri Kunal Kumar, Joint Secretary and Mission Director, Smart Cities Mission, Smt. Kavitha Padmanabhan, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, DoHUA, attended by Shri Rahul Kapoor, Director, Smart Cities Mission, Shri Hitesh Vaidya Director, NIUA, Shri Tankeswar Das, Director, DMA Assam, Shri Manpreet Singh, Chief Program Officer, NUDM-NIUA, Smt. Panchami Choudhury, Deputy Secretary, DoHUA, Govt. of Assam, and the officials from NUDM and Guwahati Smart City.