Event Details

Stakeholder Workshop on India Forum for Nature-Based Solutions

A number of institutions across the country have been carrying out NbS and greening related projects- from on the ground project implementation, to building monitoring and evaluation frameworks, and identifying and testing scalable models. To build on the momentum of connections we have been building across this ecosystem, and to help accelerate scaling of NbS, we have recently launched a platform – The India Forum for Nature-based Solutions- an initiative jointly hosted by C-Cube (NIUA) and WRI India. The aim of the forum is to help bridge gaps across the ecosystem by bringing all the relevant stakeholders to a single platform to leverage their respective roles, build capacities across stakeholder groups, and ultimately drive increased private and public investment in the sustainable solutions. The tentative agenda for the workshop is as follows- India Forum NBS launch share (15 mins) Recap of purpose and principles (30 mins) Systems change framework /our offers (60 mins) Lunch (45 mins) Governance model (60 min) 18 months Action plan- Milestones & Deliverable (60 min) Commitments (45 min) Communications strategy discussion (30 min) Vote of Thanks followed by Networking session

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