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by Raj Cherubal, Ashraf Adam, Vidhya Mohankumar, Dr. Rajesh J. Pandya, Clémence Vidal de la Blache Today, a culture of innovation remains at the core of developing smart cities, with the aim to simultaneously improve socio-economic standards of the people. In addition, the tall order to nurture innovation in cities in the context of a rapidly urbanising world poses social, environmental, economic, and political challenges. This calls for ‘leadership’ that can ‘organise, engage, and experiment,’ to unleash the full potential of the city. More specifically, it is leadership that enables and spearheads collaboration, strategic thinking, effective foresight and builds alliances and partnerships across various levels of governance. Clearly leadership in today’s times has gone beyond the domain of a single person. Cities across the world are developing networks of leaders to put them on a spectrum of leadership skills that are diverse enough to address the complexity of the urban systems. This webinar gathered experiences and learnings from persons in leadership positions involved in planning, implementation and management of urban development projects, across the globe. The webinar focussed on: Traditional leadership model’s vs contemporary leadership. Institutional environment in which leaders operate Personal characteristics of leaders- Leadership and gender Our speakers had a diverse background and interests which made the conversaition rich with new idea and provoked a lot of thought into how we want to see the leaders of the future.

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