Safe Distancing Protocols for Indian Cities: A quick guide to ‘Live Back Safer’

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As India is preparing to unlock itself, phase wise, it is now increasingly clear that, our cities need to be prepared to handle COVID risks for a longer horizon. In order to live with the potential COVID risks, our cities need to initiate actions towards Safe Social Distancing (SSD) protocols, SSD signages, COVID risk sensitive urban design, WASH Infrastructure and strategies for urban spacing out and monitoring of the COVID Point of Interest (COVID- POIs) in our cities. A SSD guidebook has been developed by Dr. Saswat Bandyopadhyay, a lead Professor of Urban planning in Ahmedabad and a team of multi- disciplinary professionals, to support cities to develop city specific COVID safe strategies and actions to Live Back Better! This guidebook has gone through extensive review of protocols and guidelines of Ministry of Health, WHO and UNICEF as well as by drawing various Asian and global good practices. It has been structured in following parts: SSD measures to be initiated at the city level COVID Safety protocols for important Urban Land Uses and Activities Mapping and Monitoring of COVID- POIs in an Urban area Preparation of Urban Spacing Out Strategies (USOS) for the city The city of Ahmedabad was chosen as a pilot demonstration site for grounding some of the above concepts. The main objective of the proposed webinar will be to share the key highlights of this SSD guidebook and protocols with the municipal commissioners and CEOs across the country. Speaker - Dr. Saswat Bandyopadhyay, Professor of Urban planning, CEPT University, Ahmedabad
