Virtual Launch of Report : Children and Adolescents in Urban India - Scale and Nature of Deprivation

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Urban India is home to the largest number of children and adolescents in the world. They have a significant contribution in determining the developmental trajectory of urban India. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations recognise early childhood and adolescence as a significant phase of development throughout the lifespan of an individual, which forms the basis of later life outcomes. In fact, SDGs on poverty (goal 1), zero hunger (goal 2), good health and well-being (goal 3), quality education (goal 4), gender equality (goal 5), clean water and sanitation (goal 6), reduced inequality (goal 10), sustainable cities and communities (goal 11) are directly linked to the overall development of children and adolescents. Achievement of these goals would be a positive move towards the implementation of the ‘New Urban Agenda’ (Habitat III, 2016), leaving no one behind in the process of development. The United Nations Children's Fund (Delhi office) entered into a research collaboration with National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA). Under this collaboration, a research study titled ‘Scale and Nature of Deprivation among Children and Adolescents in Urban India: An Empirical Analysis’ was undertaken. The broad objective of the study was to assess the situation of children and adolescents across various thematic areas like survival and health, nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene, education, employment, child labour, violence and crime. The study brought to fore many interesting and important findings. The COVID-19 crisis has further exposed the vulnerability of poor urban children and adolescents thus reinforcing some of the key findings of the study. The event will take place in light of the findings of a study undertaken by NIUA and supported by UNICEF under six major domains, namely, survival and nutrition; health; hygiene practice and WASH facilities; educational attainment; employment and social protection. The findings from the study will encourage a fresh public discourse and pave the path for achieving the SDGs. The empirical findings will be helpful in making policies more inclusive and evidence based to improve the condition of disadvantaged children and adolescents.
