Project Details

Building Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Cities in India (CIFF)

CLIENT/FUNDER: Children Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF)

DURATION: 2 years




PROJECT LEAD:  Sarath Babu M G

Half of India’s population is expected to be living in urban areas by 2050. The current growth status indicates that cities need to be better prepared to accommodate this expected growth and manage shocks and stresses. Understanding the need, the Indian Government has invested in promoting urban growth focusing on sustainable urban development. While Indian cities are preparing for present challenges and are yet to prepare for future urbanization prospects, the risks of climate change coupled with rising inequalities and other problems pose real threats to cities. There is a pressing need to embed climate actions at the heart of urban discourse and apply a climate lens to urban projects to safeguard citizens' interests and pave the way for a forward-looking, climate-proof, inclusive, and integrated urban transformation in India. Considering this Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), Govt. of India, has launched the Smart Cities Mission in 2015 to promote cities that provide core infrastructure and give a clean and sustainable environment, and the provision of sustainable solutions to tackle the menace of climate change. To provide sustained impetus and perspective to the ongoing efforts, Ministry set up a dedicated "Climate Centre for Cities" (C-CUBE) within the National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) in 2020 to create synergy and mainstream across all climate actions, which are being undertaken in Indian cities by various stakeholders. The center aims to achieve that by creating a one-stop-shop for climate-informed urban development actions facilitated by multi-stakeholder collaborations Since the incubation, the Climate Centre for Cities took the leadership in mainstreaming adaptation measures for Indian cities. The center plays a pivotal role in developing partnership networks, building the capacities of city managers and key decision-makers, co-creation of policy frameworks and strategies documents, designing tools, assessment frameworks, and data observatories, and developing solutions for planning and implementation of climate-resilient project interventions at cities and advocating for local actions. As part of the project ‘Building Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Cities in India’, NIUA and CIFF have agreed to jointly work on the following areas 1. Support the cities in the implementation of CSCAF 2021 and 2022 Cycles through 2. Support in the implementation of the Data Wall at C-Cube 3. Training and Capacity Building on Energy & Green Buildings and Urban Air Quality Management for city managers 4. Strategic and network support to CIFF to implement climate actions

Sarath Babu M G Lead, Climate Centre for Cities

Vaishnavi Thirumala Gowri Shankar Lead

Anshul Abbasi Lead (Policy and Planning)

Ankita Raman Research Associate
