The Capacity Building Programme will constitute of the following: a National-level workshop and a series of 4 on-line sessions on gender and disability inclusion in Indian cities. The National Workshop will be organized as an exposure visit-cum-training workshop for city officials from at least 25 Smart Cities. The workshop will be organized over a 3-day period with a trifold pedagogy for conducting the training programme covering theoretical, practical, and discursive learning modes. The last day of the workshop will entail an exposure visit organized in partnership with CPWD, and universal design experts, sectoral experts, persons with disabilities will be accessed as resource persons. The workshop will also include simulation exercises and sharing of lived experiences from persons with disabilities for sensitization of city officials. The training will be targeted towards three levels of participants: 1) State Disability Commissioners, 2) State Principal Secretaries – UD, State Chief Engineers, PWD and Chief Planners, State Town Planning Departments, etc. and 3) Executive and Technical officers, Smart Cities. NIUA will use the ‘Fundamentals of Disability Inclusion’ as the training module. Further, the training will include detailed technical session on the National Standards and Planning Guidelines for Universal Accessibility in India to ensure seamless adoption and implementation. The training will include sharing of lived experiences by persons with disabilities to have a shared understanding with various stakeholders on the city-level challenges faced by them and knowledge-sharing by cities through good examples and case studies on gender and disability inclusion which have already been incorporated in some of the Smart Cities. The on-line series will look at various thematic areas and provide knowledge and skills to support implementation of the RPD Act and the CRPD Convention and SDGs particularly on inclusive habitats, education, employment, health, WASH, nutrition services and gender equality for Smart City officials. In the discursive phase of the workshop, participants shall be grouped into teams for engaging into intense brainstorming and discussions to prepare action plans, designing initiatives etc. The ideas and solutions generated through such collective thinking and discussions will then be presented by respective groups in a time bound session. Focused group discussion with the available user / subject experts shall also be included for sharing insights, raising queries etc. A participatory approach will be used to design a web platform to host a Smart Solutions Challenge for seeking crowd-sourced innovative solutions. NIUA will use it’s technical expertise and ground-level experience of designing and running challenges under the Smart Cities Mission. Learnings from the city-level intervention on inclusion in Varanasi Smart City under the BASIIC project will form the basis of the Challenge for identifying the key areas, and types of solutions required. Persons with disabilities as user experts and sector experts will be consulted to finalise the design.
Utsav Choudhury Program Manager, Center for Sustainable Urban Livelihoods
Kanika Bansal Lead- Universal Design and Inclusion
Monica Thakur Program Associate