Project Details

Child Friendly Smart Cities

CLIENT/FUNDER: Bernard van Leer Foundation

DURATION: 5 years




PROJECT LEAD:  Kanak Tiwari

Child Friendly Smart Cities (CFSC) project aims to promote policies and practices to make Indian cities child friendly within the urban agenda of building smart cities. NIUA has partnered with the Bernard van Leer Foundation to develop a programme of activities over four years, focused on interventions and advocacy related to the aspects of urban planning and management in India for addressing the needs of small children. The CFSC initiative looks at children's needs in a comprehensive manner through the lens of urban planning and design across four key theme areas (Public health, Safety and Security, Transportation/ Mobility and living conditions). These were later expanded to include data, resilience and building capacities of cities across the key theme areas and greater convergence of various agencies to address children's needs.

Kanak Tiwari Programme Director - Urban Strategy Unit and Head U20 Technical Secretariat

Ishleen Kaur Sr.Research Associate
