Urban India

Urban India is a peer-reviewed, bi-annual journal, published regularly by the National Institute of Urban Affairs since 1981. Since its inception, the journal has been publishing meaningful urban research and facilitating informed debates on India’s urban sector.  The journal tries to bring forth to the readers new concepts, theories, policies, debates and methodological approaches related to urbanization, urban development, governance, housing and infrastructure, inclusion, municipal finance, climate change, sustainability, transport, mobility, migration, sprawl and other related issues in India. In addition to research articles, Urban India also publishes perspectives and book reviews.

The journal primarily aims at:

  • Spearheading new ideas and facilitating informed debates
  • Documenting journey of India’s urbanisazation story through various research papers, data analytics, good practices and book reviews
  • Engaging researchers, policy makers, academia, civil societies, non-governmental organizations in the policy challenge discourse

The journal is listed in UGC-CARE


Debolina Kundu, National Institute of Urban Affairs, New Delhi  dkundu@niua.org

Managing Editor

Pragya Sharma, National Institute of Urban Affairs, New Delhi bkar@niua.org

Associate Editor

Sayak Dutta, National Institute of Urban Affairs, New Delhi psharma@niua.org

Editorial Advisor

Director, National Institute of Urban Affairs, New Delhi

Editorial Board

Abdul Shaban

Deputy Director (TISS Tuljapur Campus) and Professor, School of Development Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai

Amita Bhide

Professor and Dean, School of Habitat Studies,  Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai

Anil Kumar Roy

Associate Professor, Faculty of Planning, CEPT University, Ahmedabad

Annapurna Shaw

Professor (Retd), Public Policy and Management Group, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, Kolkata


Associate Professor, Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

Jandhyala BG. Tilak

 Distinguished Professor, Council for Social Development, New Delhi;  Former Professor and  Vice Chancellor, NUEPA, New Delhi

Kala Seetharam Sridhar

Professor, Centre for Research in Urban Affairs, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangaluru

Lekha S. Chakraborty

Associate Professor, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy

Mahalaya Chatterjee

Professor, Centre for Urban Economic Studies, Department of Economics, University of Calcutta,  Kolkatta

Neetha N.

Professor , Centre for Women's Development Studies, New Delhi

Pulin B. Nayak

Professor (Retd), Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, Delhi

Rumi Aijaz

Senior Fellow, Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi

S.K. Sasikumar

Senior Fellow, V.V.Giri National labour Institute, NOIDA

S.K. Thorat

Professor Emeritus, Jawaharlal Nehru University and Managing Trustee, Indian Institute of Dalit Studies, New Delhi

Sewa Ram

Professor, Department of Transport Planning, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi

Shrawan Acharya 

Professor, Centre for the Study of Regional Development, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

Soumendu Chatterjee

Professor and Head, Department of Geography, Presidency University, Kolkata

Srinivas Goli

Assistant Professor, Centre for the Study of Regional Development, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

Umamaheshwaran Rajasekar

Director - Technical Support & Capacity Development (Interim)Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure

Urmi Sengupta

Lecturer, School of Natural and Built Environment, Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland

V.N. Alok

Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi

  • Urban India solicits original manuscripts which are not published previously or currently under consideration elsewhere. Contributions to conferences and workshops are welcome, as long as they are not published in the same form in conference proceedings or on the internet.
  • The journal publishes articles under categories of research articles, perspectives and book reviews.
  • The journal does not charge any submission/publication fee.
  • Authors will be notified of decisions regarding acceptance, rejection, or revision of articles only after both the internal and the external peer review processes are completed. The internal review will take 6-8 weeks and the peer review additional 8 to 12 weeks.
  • Only manuscripts of sufficient quality and meet the aims and scope of the journal will be reviewed.
  • Manuscripts should be addressed to - The Editor, Dr. Debolina Kundu, National Institute of Urban Affairs, New Delhi   editorurbanindia@niua.org  .
  • Please mention "Manuscript for Submission" in the subject line.
Manuscript Guidelines

Editor, Urban India
National Institute of Urban Affairs
Ist Floor, Core 4B, India Habitat Centre,

Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110 003
Phone: (91) 011-24617517 I 24643284

Urban India is a bi-annual journal published in June and December every year.We solicit unpublished articles on a regular basis The themes and topics covered in the journal include urbanization, urban development, governance, housing and infrastructure, inclusion, municipal finance, climate change and other issues related to urban development pertaining to India.

The articles submitted between March to August will be considered for publication in subsequent January issue and articles submitted between September to subsequent February will be considered for June issue.

Authors interested in contributing articles may refer to the guidelines for submitting manuscript 

The manuscript should be emailed in one single word document to the Editor at editorurbanindia@niua.org

Download Subscription Form

Subscription Rates

Annual Subscription                India INR 1000                        Foreign US$ 20

Single Issue                              India INR 500                           Foreign US$ 12

Payment can be made through Cheque / Bank Draft / WIRE Tranfers

Cheques/Bank Drafts should be drawn in favour of

“National Institute of Urban Affairs”,New Delhi, should be sent to the following address:

Editor, Urban India

National Institute of Urban Affairs

1st Floor, Core 4B, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003, INDIA

Ph: (+91 11) 24643284/24617517, Fax: (+91 11) 24617513

Email: editorurbanindia@niua.org

Website: www.niua.org

Payment can be made online as per the following details:

Account Holder Name:  NIUA/General Account

Bank Name:                    State Bank of India

Branch Name:                India Habitat Center

Address:                          India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, Delhi – 110003

Account No:                    52142908059

IFSC Code:                       SBIN0061720

SWIFT Code :                 SBININBB        

Urban India is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal which publishes original and high-quality research. The journal invites applications from eligible scholars and researchers who are experts in any of the fields in which the journal publishes articles and are willing to contribute to enhance the journal quality by providing their valuable reviewer comments. 

Interested reviewers can send their CVs to journals@niua.org clearly stating their areas of expertise. Reviewers will be awarded a Certificate to acknowledge their contribution. 


  • Qualification: The applicant must hold a doctoral degree or a faculty position in any university, or a research fellow or equivalent at any research institute
  • Publications: The applicant must have published at least three academic papers in peer-reviewed journals.
  • Area of expertise: The applicant must have good knowledge and research experience in any of the areas related to urbanization, urban development, urban governance, housing and infrastructure, inclusion, migration, municipal finance, environment, climate change, transport, application of GIS and remote sensing in urban areas or any other issues related to the urban sector.
  • Command of English language: The applicant must have a strong command of English language with verbal and written fluency.


  • Maintain absolute confidentiality about the content of the manuscripts and keep their identity hidden from authors.
  • Review submitted work in an objective, responsible, impartial and timely manner.
  • The reviewer should not have conflict of interest with the authors and the subject matter of the article.
  • Substantial similarities between submitted manuscripts and other published works of which the reviewer is aware, or any other suspected ethical misconduct to be reported to the editor.
  • Provide 'follow up’ advice to the editor, if requested.

For detailed peer review guidelines refer https://niua.org/sites/default/files/Policy-for-Peer-Review.pdf